How to build a personal brand like Mel Robbins

Ever wondered how Mel Robbins, the powerhouse behind the transformative 5-Second Rule, built her magnetic personal brand? It's not just about being a motivational speaker; it's about striking chords deep within your audience.

Here's your blueprint inspired by Mel herself:

Share Your Story

Mel doesn't just share advice; she shares raw, vulnerable, and unfiltered parts of herself. Mel's own struggles and breakthroughs, like the 5-Second Rule, aren't just advice; they are lived experiences turned into universal solutions. What unique stories can you share that no one else can?

Speak Directly to Your Community

Who needs to hear your message? Mel knows that her audience is anyone hungry for change and growth. Identify yours and tailor your content to speak directly to their hearts, minds, struggles, and pain points.

Deliver Unmatched Value

Content is king, but value is its crown. Mel's straightforward, science-backed advice in her talks, books, and posts turns complex psychology into actionable steps. When you follow Mel on social media, you're guaranteed to constantly be learning something new.

Understand Your Platform

Mel dominates on Instagram and LinkedIn, using each platform's unique strengths to engage. Where does your audience hang out? Be there, and show up consistently. (SpeakerBrand tip: don't try to show up on EVERY platform. Become an EXPERT in one or two).

Engage Authentically

Mel's responses to comments and her engaging online community activities aren't just about visibility; they're about connection. Genuine interactions build trust and loyalty.

Collaborate and Expand

Mel often collaborates with other thought leaders, helping her easily broaden her reach. Who can you partner with to bring fresh perspectives to your audience?

Building a personal brand like Mel Robbins isn’t about imitation; it’s about drawing inspiration from her strategies to amplify your unique voice and value.